Here I am, a time traveler out of the 1940's and 50's, so the 21'st century is Buck Rogers stuff for me. I come from a time when all telephones are black and licensed by Ma Bell. There is no FM radio, no jet planes, no television, no cell phones, no computers, and postage costs three cents (seven for overseas). There are also no freeways and the Pennsylvania turn pike is an innovation. The very idea of a space satellite in stationary orbit above the earth is pure, speculative science fiction, Beebee has gone down in a diving bell and a helium balloon went to 100,000 feet. Radar is a top secret Ww II weapon, but not used for microwave cooking. The fastest army plane does about 300 mph and are propellor driven. Breaking the sound barrier is considered speculative and dangerous.Most trains run on coal. People heat their homes with coal and the only air conditioning is in some movie theaters. People cross the ocean on ships, six days to England. Movies cost a quarter and for that you can sit all day and warch the double feature over and over, including Flash Gordon. Auto tires are bias play and last about 15000 miles. No seat belts. A cup of coffee costs a dime and chicken is 20 cents a pound. Phonograph records are on breakable wax. The only plastics are nylon, bakelite, and cellophane. Frying pans are iron, not non-stick.
So no wonder I feel a bit bewildered here in the 21st century!!