Friday, October 23, 2015

Letter to Wall Street Journal

Kim, have you ever had an eleven hour job interview against a panel of mostly hostile evaluators? Read this carefully and you'll get to the point -eventually.
If you know what the Fog of War is, it's the state of confusion in the midst of battle. The Benghazi attack lasted one hour and by the time the word got to Washington it was about over and there was no hope of reinforcements ever getting there on time to accomplish anything. In the confusion that followed we could only guess who was responsible.  That explains the conflicting statements that came afterwards. It was NOT a cover up. Anyone who has compared eye witness accounts of an event knows that. The questioning  confirmed that. Mrs. Clinton was not responsible for the security at the consulate. Remember: it was the GOP congress that cut the security budget for the State Department by millions of dollars.
-- That Mrs.Clinton has not reminded the public of that fact is an act of charity, for it is the responsibility of the Republican congress that there was inadequate money for the protection of those four men. We'we talking about four casualties, not the thousands who have died because Bush sent our troops to war in Iraq.
The Wall Street Journal, while it has swell international coverage, is a disappointment for it NEVER has anything good to say about our twice elected president or Mrs.Clinton, one of the most indefatigable secretaries of state we have ever had.What you seem to have missed in your sniping at Mrs.Clinton is that the attempt to discredit her by the GOP members of the panel is that she was in reality having a job interview. She proved by her unflinching and knowledgeable demonsrtration of her talent and intelligence that she will make a great president. No one else knows as much as she does. She knows all heads of state. As First Lady she has eight years of White House experience. She is much smarter and composed than her husband. She will make a great president. Her performance for eleven gruelling hours that would reduce most witnesses to blubbering blobs proves she she knows her stuff more than any Republican wannabe candidate for the job. The GOP shot themselves in the ass by giving her this opportunity to show them all up for what they are: a bunch of nitpicking desperate man without qualifications of their own to match her experience and talent. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Discover yourself: write your autobiography

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                                          Why Write Your Autobiography?
A column by
Harley L. Sachs

Some say the past is history, the future a mystery, and the present a present. The fact is, most of us live in the present, this moment, and lose sight of the broad sweep of our lives, who we are now, how we got to be what we are, where we came from, and what molded us. We lose sight of ourselves. All the more reason to embark on the adventure of writing your own biography.
An autobiography may be an author’s version of a selfie, except a selfie catches only the moment while a biography encompasses a whole life. That’s where the adventure lies.
I have just completed my autobiography. It fills three hefty volumes and I don’t even have a photographic memory, as some rare people do.  I didn’t begin with the cliché “I was born on…” but with my immigrant grandparents, where they came from and how they got to the United States. I could have started with my DNA report which goes back about 300 years , but that is expressed only in percentages of a geographical area. I may be 0.28% Neanderthal, but that doesn’t identify any individuals. More important were specific people and what we can learn, for instance, from old family photographs. It’s what authors call the back story.
If you want to get a grip on your life and who you are, write down those moments like in Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken.” At what points did you make a life changing decision? What decisisons did you make that had a life long impact? Did you pick the wrong school? The wrong job? Choose the wrong country to live in? Marry the wrong spouse?
What mistakes did you make? For me it was not to accept social security when I was a contract agent, for I did not then know when or whether I would return to the United States. I was living in the present and not taking the long view.
There are other milestones in life. I once published a column on milestone, memorable meals. We remember the worst meals and the best. The column may have been interesting to read, but except for revealing my tastes in food, it was not that defining of me as a person.  Or was it? They say we are what we eat, and maybe what we eat does say a lot about us.
What struck me when I worked on my autobiography was the role of coincidence and accident that changed my life. We think we have control of our lives. We pick the school where we want to study. We choose carefully who to marry. But who we marry may be the result of a chance encounter. I had been accepted for graduate study at Innsbruck University in Austria, but a chance encounter sent me to Sweden instead where I learned another language, started teaching, and met my future wife—all because of a chance encounter. It was also by chance that I played bridge with someone who turned out to be a CIA spotter which got me to the Soviet Union. Accident? Certainly not by my design. And it was solely by chance that my job teaching the Stockholm police found me an apartment in the building where I met my future wife. Accident.
When you starting digging into your past and finding those moments you begin to feel like a pin ball bouncing from pin to pin at random, hardly in control at all. Fate?
When you sit down to write that autobiography, that adventure in self-discovery, it helps to have kept a journal or a diary. I began keeping a diary when I was fourteen and those diaries have been vital when I wrote several memoirs of my travels and adventures.
Where would Oregon be without the diaries of the women who traveled the Oregon Trail? Now it’s our turn. The past is history, but when you get to a certain age, you are yourself history. You are a walking around store of historical moments, of those peace marches, those political rallies. I was in Portland when Mt. St. Helens blew up. I was here. Those things I carry around in my memory, but unless I write them down, when I die they are gone forever.
My autobiography is not for sale. It is for only the eyes of my children so they will know their father. If it were published, that is, made public, Too many feathers would be ruffled. Some secrets shall be kept in the family. I haven’t written the last chapter, That’s the one about my funeral and someone else has to do that.
Still, the exercise of writing that autobiography has brought an epiphany of self-realization. So that’s who I am! Wow! What fun!

Harley L. Sachs is the author of several memoirs: “From Tent to Castle: Memoir of a Year Long Honeymoon,” “The 1957 Sachs Arctic Expedition” and “Chilly-Chilly-BANG! How we Freelanced Through Europe’s Coldest Winter in a VW with a Kid.”

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Amend the War Powers Act

Currently the USA is involved in Middle East Wars using mercenary troops. Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are lost causes. If we could not go to war without universal conscription (male and female) and a war tax, these wars would never have involved the USA. The public would not strand for it. Rome fell in part because it relied on mercenary troops. The factors that got us in thee wars were idealistic crusaders who believe democracy can be exported and cynical arms and oil merchants who want the money. When will we ever learn?,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Are you a Socialist?

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April 23, 2015

Are You A Socialist?
A letter by
Harley L. Sachs

There is an inordinate, irrational fear of socialism in this country dating back to the 1920’s and the infamous Sacco-Vanzetti trial in which two innocent anarchists were executed for a couple of murders later confessed to by a criminal gang member. In the 1920’s during the great surge of immigrants from Italy and other European countries, there was a general fear of anarchists, communists, and other radicals. The result of his panic was the end of open immigration and a quota system limiting how many could come to the USA from various countries. The quotas still exist.
Most Americans don’t know the difference between socialism and communism, equating them with something akin to Soviet police state communism. It’s not true.
The United States is more socialist than you may realize. Everything funded by taxes is socialist. The postal system is socialist; public libraries and schools are socialist, state universities are socialist, Medicare and Medicaid are socialist programs, the VA is socialized medicine for all veterans, and then there is social security. You can hardly escape American socialism.
If you are a true T Party Libertarian, you can refuse Medicare, avoid the Affordable Care Act, refuse to accept social security benefits, and home school your children. You can’t avoid the public school tax unless you squat in the woods, for even renters who own no property pay the school tax as part of their rent.
Ignorance prevails. We have the American Boobus (as H.L. Mencken called them) screaming “Keep the government out of my Medicare.” One local Oregon politician thinks the West Bank of the Palestinians is a financial institution.

No. we are not a communist country. How about fascist, where corporations own the government? That’s a different story.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Vet's Duty

Speaking to a luncheon of WW II veterans, I urged them to write their memoirs and send them to the US Military Archives. That's what I did with "The Misadventures of Cpl. Sachs."  Without the testimony of the veterans, much of our country's wartime history will be lost when they die. Tell your story! It's your final duty to your country.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jews cf American Indians

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Jews and Indians

While reading Kent Nerburn’s wonderful book, “Neither Wolf nor Dog” about the relationship of Indians to Whites I realized how much Jews and Indians have in common. They are both victims of Christian imperialism. In the case of the Jews, the oppression began long before the so-called “discovery” of the Americas. Of course, North and South America didn’t have to be “discovered” for the people who already lived here knew where they were. The Christian oppression of Jews began long before Columbus with Constantine, the Roman emperor who was reputed to have converted on his deathbed, making Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.
Until then the Roman policy was to tolerate all religions as long as people paid their taxes. Ten percent of the empire was then Jewish. But with the development of Christianity as an offshoot of Judaism, the Christian Scriptures were in competition with Jews. Oddly, in spite of origins in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Book Of John of  Christian Scripture is anti-Judaism. How anti-Judaism became anti-Jewish and Anti-Semitism may be the subject for another historical discussion.
What did happen with the establishment of the Christian church of the Roman Empire in the fourth century was the establishment of strict anti-Jewish laws. No new synagogues could be established and no new graveyards. Anyone who was not born Jewish could not be circumcised on pain of death. Intermarriage was against the law. This put an end to Jewish conversions of gentiles.
Other religions were also suppressed, churches being built on the locations of pagan temples. The only religion to be tolerated was Christianity.
Whether this contributed to the decline and fall of the empire after the Jewish rebellion in 76 AD and the siege of Mosada which necessitated the withdrawal of Hadrian’s forces from Britain may be a subject of debate. Certainly Hadrian's army being called back to Rome abandoned Britain to the Vikings who came later. 
Later Jewish children were occasionally kidnapped and converted. In the Middle Ages Jews, who were not permitted to own land or join a guild, were confined to ghettos, the Jewish version of a Reservation. In Russia that reservation was the Pale of Settlement.
Later, in the fifteen century, the Spanish Catholic Inquisition gave Jews the options: convert, leave the country, or be put to death. If a so-called Converso, or Maranno (pig Jew) were to secretly practice Judaism, the penalty was torture and death.
Having conquered Europe, the Christian imperialists turned to new lands. Columbus came to the so-called New World with two agendas: gold and conversion of native peoples to Christianity. Catholic priests, speaking Spanish or Latin, demanded instant conversion of the Santa Domingo native peoples who, if they did not immediately accept Jesus as their savior were put to death torn apart by dogs. Only a handful survived by hiding in a cave.
Many Jews fled the Inquisition to Mexico and New Mexico where some crypto-Jews still identify themselves as Jews though they do not practice Judaism. The Inquisition officially ended in 1992, five hundred years after it began.
So what do the Jews have in common with the Indians?
After the fall of the Second Temple and Mosada, the Jews were evicted from their land into the Diaspora, the spreading out. Fleeing from one country to another, they were periodically expelled, from England, France, and Germany. In Russia Jews were restricted to a special reservation called the Pale of Settlement, but were subject to Pogroms.
Yet, unlike most Indians who were converted to Christianity and forbidden to practice their own religion or speak their naïve language, Jews managed to retain their religion and their language, Yiddish for the Ashkenazi and Ladano for those Spanish and Portuguese Jews to fled mainly to Turkey.
The Indians were also forcibly evicted from their lands and kept in reservations. In America the Christian oppression with Indian schools was parallel to the fifteen century Inquisition, except the Jews were able to escape. The Indians did not, their children kidnapped and forced to attend Missionary schools. Yet both Indians and Jews are tribal people. A code word for Jews is “MOT” member of the tribe.  
   The strongest connection between Jews and Indians is being victims of Christian imperialism. Even today, so-called Jews for Jesus try to appeal to unwitting Jews. More insidious Christian evangelists hope that all Jews should move to Israel, a plan that may be to make the United States Judenrein (cleansed of Jews) but also to bring on the prophesied Armageddon, after which the Jews who are not killed will accept Jesus and become Christians.
Just as Indians were portrayed in Western movies as whooping savages, in Mexico at Easter celebrations Jews are dressed as clowns, fools for not accepting Jesus. I guess that’s what they get for not being white or Christian.
     Assimilation is still the greatest threat to both Indians and Jews, which brings up the issue of race. A white man cannot become an Indian, but can a Jew become a Christian? Martin Luther thought that if the Catholic Church were reformed the Jews would convert. They did not. He was furious and wrote an anti-Jewish tract, ”On the Jews and their Lies.” His reasoning was that since Jews did not become Christians, they must be a race. That’s the origin of the myth that Jews, who actually come in all colors, are a race. Hitler, who was raised Catholic and went to parochial school, planned to obliterate the Jewish race, and murdered six million in his attempt.
      The parallel to Hitler's program of extermination was the American whites' distribution of smallpox infected blankets to the Indians, a form of biological warfare. 
      The Indian tragedy is that, deprived of their land and dislocated, discouraged from speaking their own languages and worshipping in the old ways, they have become demoralized, often alcoholic, subject to domestic violence. The Jews have fared better, integrating into white society, but the specter of the Holocaust hangs over all their heads. There is a new de-facto out migration as Jews leave France to avoid anti-Semitism, this time from a different imperialistic movement: Islam. At least for the time being, the Jews have a homeland to return to.

      Islam, which once occupied Europe to the gates of Vienna, is again on the rise. ISIS beheads those   who do not accept their version of Islam. What goes around comes around.  History repeats itself.