1730toarms!/209 words
Change One Word
A letter by
Harley L. Sachs
Everyone knows the Second
Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. What if we change one word? Change
“right” to “Responsibility” and what do you get? You get every citizen required
to be armed.
There is precedent for this. In Israel
every citizen, with some exceptions, male and female, is required to serve in
the IDF. In Switzerland
every able-bodied male must serve in the Home Guard and keep his rifle at home
with ammunition. When I registered for the draft I had to carry my registration
card at all times.
Of course, we cannot have sexual
discrimination in the USA ,
so every eighteen year old, male or female citizen would have to register for
the militia as provided for in the second amendment.
Result: every able-bodied male or
female US
citizen at eighteen would be issued an assault rifle, and trained to use it. I
wonder how the NRA and gun lovers will feel when every Afro-American, every
Hispanic, every Muslim citizen of the United
State would be required to be in
the militia and issued an assault rifle. The gun makers will get richer and the
NRA will be pleased. With an armed militia, no terrorist would dare attack.
It’s only one word to change.