Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Here we Go Again


Here we go Again
A letter by
Harley L. Sachs

Merkel’s government is going under to a right wing nationalist party. Why?
The new German political Party is anti-immigrant, why?
The immigrants are flooding Germany from Iraq and Syria. Why?
The Iraqis are fleeing a religious civil war; the Syrians are fleeing Assad’s regime. Why?
Iraq fell into a religious civil war because Bush and Cheney caused an invasion. Why?
The Iraq war was started because Shell and Cheney’s Haliburton lost their oil leases and contracts to Saddam.
The Syrian war started because Assad would not give his people a voice in government and declared them to be terrorists. So he destroyed his own country out of spite.
Merkel’s German government is about to go under. Italy will follow and maybe France. Britain is pulling out of the EU and Russia is threatening the Baltic States.
All because of oil rights.
Last time it was the assassination of a minor royal in Sarajevo which precipitated World War I, many millions of dead, and the redrawing of the map of Europe.
WW I ended with the treaty of Versailles which crippled the German economy, making way for Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist (NAZI) party. Then it was the Jews who were the scapegoats.
The new right wing German party will go after the Moslem immigrants.

Why don’t we ever learn?