Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fatal change in Republican demographics

It is clear from the current state of the Republican party is that it is a white man's party that excludes or is at war on women's issues: opposed to freedom of reproductive choice, and opposed to equal pay for women. From the looks of the GOP convention audience, except for a few Pacific islanders, it's an all white bunch. Yet consider that the whites are now the minority race in the United States. The majority are of other races. And the majority of the population is female. the Republicans are out of touch and out of step with reality. The Republican party does not represent today's American people.

Add to those errors, Romney has flipped flopped on all the issues. While he was governor his state lost thousands of jobs. He was in favor of abortion rights and set up a health plan which is the model for Obamacare, yet now he is against it. Romney is a flip-flopper who will change any policy so he can sail with the wind. He is determined to get rid of Obamacare, to cut off funding for Public Broadcasting, Amtrak, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Department of Education, and his running made wants to cut Pell grants for education.
Yet Romney isn't touching the bloated Pentagon budget. When I was a lad, it was called the War department, which is its roper name, but it's now euphemistically called the Department of Defense. This sacred cow is untouchable. To criticize the spending on billion dollar airplanes that are unsafe to fly is to invite criticism that you are not in favor of our freedom. The country was put on the wrong course when Bush made an unprovoked attack on Iraq, which is a war crime under the definitions of the World Court, and went to war on borrowed money thereby adding to the huge national debt.

 If Romney and his hatchet man vice president choice are elected I fear for the Republic.
Visit the Daily Mining Gazette web page and look for Harley Sachs for my published letters to the editor..

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