Sunday, April 13, 2014

Time for women to organize and fight back.

Time for Women to Organize Against Rape and Abuse

African Americans have the NAACP and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Jews have the Anti-Defamation League. So where is the national organization of women who proactively stand up against rape and abuse? That’s the thesis behind my latest book, which shows how a raped marine recruit employs social media to give all rape victims, female and male, a platform not only to tell their stories, but to post the pictures and addresses of the men who attacked them. That social media site is then used to guide the Women Warriors Against Rape and Abuse to go after the perpetrators.
The story is told through the eyes of a young TV reporter at a small, remote station, Kerstin Mikkola, who hopes the report will lead to a bigger and better job with the network, but she is soon part of the story herself, and in danger.
The moral, if a novel can risk that, is when law and order fail, the last resort for justice is revenge. The Women Warriors are out to avenge the victims, and the result can be tragic. For an example, consider Afghanistan and Pakistan where there is no justice for the victims of drone strikes, so plans are for revenge against the United States. Those folks have long memories and hold perpetual grudges.

It’s pitiful that American women can’t even get equal pay for equal work. The Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified. So when are women going to, if you’ll pardon the analogy, stand up like men and fight back?

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