Jesse Bram and Campbell ’s Myth
Harley L. Sachs
of my stories begin with the question, “What if?” In The Mystery Club Solves
a Murder, it’s “What if a body is found on the roof of the Rose Plaza ?” In Stoprape.com it”s “What if the victim of
a military rape gets revenge by putting up a web side with the perp’s picture
and address? In White Slave, “What if Sutherland who fell off the yacht
Miss Chief didn’t die?”Then there’s The Search for Jesse Bram. with the
question “What if a space alien cadet is marooned on the planet URth?”
Jesse Bram story has an ambiguous title. It is a search for the missing cadet
and also Jesse’s search for his own identity. Inadvertently this science
fiction saga fits into Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth. It is said
there are only three plots for a story: boy meets girl (all love story
variations), the Brave Little Tailor (a weakling slays the giant, dragon or
whatever), and the man who learned better, as in Hamlet. Campbell defines them differently. Slaying the dragon is about
conquering one’s self. The quest is the search for the Holy Grail. In the Jesse
Bram story there are two parallel threads: find Jesse and Jesse finds out who
he really is. There is also a love story, Jesse caught between his alien lover
and the lovely URthling who helps him survive the atmosphere of a polluted
URth. Like many quests, cf Ulysses,
Jesse encounters three temptations: the half breed caretaker of the life
station and his voluptuous female, the crypto Christians who believe Jesse is
Christ incarnate, and the crypto Jews who have the key to his identity. It all
comes together in the climax when the searchers find him and he escapes the
throng of cannibals who want to eat him to achieve salvation.
named the main character Jesse, a variation of Jesus, and Bram. As in many of
my books, Bram is a family name as I wish to keep the names of family alive if
only in my books.
light of Campbell ’s lecture on universal myths, I suspect that myth,
like the life force in the earth, emerges in whatever soil it is found. Myth is
a subconscious manifestation of forces that permeate our lives. It is in the
nature of story telling itself. Myth is fundamental.