Monday, May 28, 2018

Circumcision and the Blood Libel

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May 28, 2018

Circumcision and the Blood Libel
Harley L. Sachs

An open letter to all Icelanders:

There are often people who want to tell others how they should practice their religion. A case in point is the attempt in Iceland to ban circumcision, allegedly as a cruel and unnecessary operation. The real reason is likely Icelanders’ fear of Moslems taking over their country and polluting the well-regulated gene pool.
The claim is a baby has no ability to choose whether or not to be circumcised.  But neither has a baby a choice to be baptized in the Christian faith. The parents choose.
Circumcision is a widely practiced ritual performed not only by Jews and Moslems but by other cultures where it is a puberty rite. Besides serving religious and cultural traditions, circumcision is healthy, a preventive in the transmission of AIDS and other diseases.
When it comes to banning religious rituals, turnabout is fair play. Consider the Blood Libel. The earliest incidence I know is Hugh of Lincoln, mentioned in Chaucer’s The Prioress’s Tale. Hugh of Lincoln was a child found murdered and drained of blood. The claim was he was killed by Jews so they could use his blood in the making of matzos, the unleavened bread used in the Passover Seder. Presumably Chaucer did not know that the Jewish laws of Kashrut forbid the eating of blood. Kosher slaughter of animals  requires that no blood remains as “the blood is the life.” Jews do not eat blood pudding, blood sausage, or any food that includes blood. Who does?
The essence of Christianity is the human sacrifice of the Jew Jesus as the sole son of God who “died for your sins.” By partaking in the Eucharist, Christians  accept the Jew Jesus as their Christ Savior.
In the Eucharist participants drink “the blood of Christ” and eat “the body of Christ” a ritual reminiscent of what a tribal warrior might do when eating the heart or liver of a brave victim to acquire that person’s courage. It’s an act of cannibalism sublimated into a sip of wine and a wafer.
Bur what if, like those hysterical reactors to the Hugh of Lincoln story, Jews went berserk, rioted, and burned down churches because Christians were drinking Jewish blood and eating Jewish flesh to gain salvation? The priest solemnly offers the chalice with “the blood of Christ” and a wafer “the body of Christ.” I was there. I heard it.
It seems incredible that to drink the blood of a sacrificed Jew and eat his flesh is a way to Salvation but that is what Christians believe.
After all, how do we know it’s not just wine in that goblet but really the blood of some murdered Jew? Maybe this practice should be banned along with cannibalism.  It would prevent gullible, hysterical Jews from running amok.
We may be in the 21st Century, but atheists and agnostics notwithstanding,  ancient rituals like circumcision and symbolic cannibalism still persist.

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