Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear Solicitor:

Harley  L.  Sachs
2545 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Apt. 328
Portland, OR 97201

Dear Solicitor,

Your invitation and information have arrived here and been given careful, thoughtful consideration. As you are no doubt aware, nowadays we get a great number of offers and requests. What we have to do is put them in perspective in consideration of our own financial limitations.  What we are prepared to do is make a counter offer.
I am Harley Sachs, a professionally published author for more than fifty-five years. I retired from teaching in1986 and in the years since have published more than thirty books ranging from memoirs and short stories, to serious novels and mystery “entertainments.” In that long career I have never begged for donations or applied for grants. I am not now asking for money from you, either.
It is important to support the arts, not only the visual arts, but the art of the written word, for little has more staying power over the centuries than the book. However, being an author is a tough business. Thanks to the digitizing of entire libraries, an American author today is in direct competition with every other author who ever lived whose works are published in English.
The only way you can significantly support this author is to buy a book. I do not personally sell books. I do not have the capital or the space for an inventory of printed copies. I depend on my vendors, such as, B&N, and for actual sales.
If you’d like to have the personal satisfaction of having supported an elderly American author in poor health, this is your opportunity. Take a careful look at the enclosed list. Visit one of the vendors and read a free sample. I know you will find a title you will enjoy. The price is right. Some are priced under $3.00! How can you go wrong?

                                     Harley L. Sachs