Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What is Capitalism?

What is Capitalism?
A column by
Harley L. Sachs

We do not have pure capitalism in this country. In reality, the United States is a mixed economy, part free enterprise capitalism and part socialism. Those who laud capitalism as the ideal state, like nirvana, consider:
In a pure state of capitalism there would be no taxes and no public services. All government does is spend tax money. If we do away with all taxes for pure capitalism, all entitlements would be done away with. That is: no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, no public k-12 schools, no tax supported universities. Everything would be privatized.
 As in some communities, there would be no tax supported fire departments. Firemen would be volunteers, and the fire equipment would be paid for by dues assessments or contributions. If you didn’t contribute to the fire fund and your house caught fire, they would let it burn down. It has happened.
Some Republicans would shut down he Department of Education, thereby doing away with Pell grants. With all k-12 schools privatized, every parent would have to pay the roughly $5000 a year costs per student. If you had four kids, that would be 20k a year If you couldn’t afford to send all your kids to school, you would have to choose which would get an education and which would not. Since as many as 50% of kids never graduate, that’s not such a problem. We are becoming a nation of high school dropouts.
       With no government to spend non-existent taxes, there would be no regulatory agencies. No minimum wage. No environmental protection. No Army, Navy, or Air Force. With free rein, a capitalist employer need not offer any benefits at all, fire people at will (as they do now), and with no minimum wage, pay a dollar a day. No health insurance, no workmen’s compensation, no unemployment insurance, no pension benefits, no paid holidays, no maternity leave. (Read WalMart) With no child labor laws you could put eight year olds back in the mines for twelve hour six day a week jobs at a dollar a day. Ah, those were the good old days. They still do it in Turkey, hiring children in sweat shops.
What about infrastructure? Sell the roads and bridges and privatize everything. Why not? Indiana sold the toll road to a foreign company. Want to make some money? Buy a bridge and charge a toll. Buy the road in front of your house and charge a toll. Only a socialist would want free use of a road. Parasites.
As for the army, well, not having any tax  income, the country could not afford to invade a foreign country like Iraq. Drones and jet fighters are expensive. Who would join the military as a volunteer for no pay?
As for police, if you need security, hire a body guard.
Without the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid we could revert to the old method: let the poor, sick and old die. That’s what they do: they die. Ayn Rand lives.

So you don’t like taxes, like Mr. Trump who pays as little as possible? Go for unbridled capitalism. But be careful what you wish for. 

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